Module 2 – Working with the Body Trauma
with George Gintilas

Learn how to work and release specific traumatic events.

Condensed into three days, this course will provide some of the best and most advanced tools and processes available for helping to heal most kinds of traumas that you may come across with clients in your practice.

For example: What do you do when a client you are working with, all of a sudden recalls a traumatic event?
As a massage therapist: What do you do when you hit a very sensitive spot on a persons body?
What do you do when a client comes in to specifically work with an event that is creating PTSD symptoms?
What do you do when a client ‘has never been the same’ since a traumatic event?
Working with the Body I have found has been one of the most effective ways of healing trauma fully.

What do I mean by Trauma?
A trauma put simply, is any event that a person experiences to be or perceives to be, a life threatening event. It can arise in many forms. From childhood as emotional abuse, physical abuse, sexual abuse. It can be a big group event, like war and 9/11. It can arise from an accident – car accident, high impact fall or sports accident. Any surgery, operation, an unexpected death, a bad break up, a divorce, are just some examples.

What I have observed over the years – when a client walks in with any long term problem that they have not been able to shake off, when we delve in deep enough around the problem, there is always an underlying trauma that is at the root cause.

In working with the body and mindfulness, this module will teach you the basics of how to deal with a specific event.
A trauma normally incorporates and involves the full body of the client. A trauma normally creates problems when the event could not be fully completed at the time. The person could not save themselves from the life threatening moment(s). In Trauma Event work the therapist helps the client’s nervous system to finally ‘save itself’ and thus complete what needed to happen.

And as this happens in the whole body, Body Mindfulness Psychotherapy work I have found is the best work for helping a client fully complete this unfinished process. This is the one of the biggest strengths of Body Mindfulness Based Psychotherapy work – working with and healing Trauma.

Again with this module, I will be demonstrating in front of the group, as well as have you practice in pairs with plenty of time for feedback and questions.

Topics will Include:

Learning the difference between a Developmental and Trauma based problem
Learning the signs of PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)
The Basics of Trauma and Symptoms
The Basics Steps of a Trauma Event Based Session
How to use the Whole Body to release the Fight/Flight/Freeze
How to track a specific memory successfully to release a trauma
The signs to look for with Hyper/Hypo Arousal and the Window of Tolerance
How to build a proper safety net so the client lands safely if overwhelmed
Resourcing for frightened/unstable states
More in depth work with Boundaries, Grounding and Centering
Movement Work to help complete Releases
Handling Post Event Emotional Trauma
Working with Small Releases/Big Releases
The importance of Touch with Trauma and using the Ten types of Touch
How and when to physically work with a trauma with ‘hands-on’ the body
Specifics on working with: Surgery Trauma, High Impact Trauma, Healing Scars
How to work with the Energy field in a traumatic event
How to avoid the Creation of Vicarious Trauma – before during and after a session

This course will give you a deep introduction to working with a Traumatic Event with Somatic Mindfulness.

One of the most fundamental aspects of any effective healing, personal development, growth and transformation is working with the body. Once in your body you have access to everything. Your ideas, beliefs, holdings, tensions, traumas, reactions, the whole state of your body is available to you if you access it correctly.

I will be teaching the best of the body based and mindfulness methods that I have learned and used over the last 30 years to successfully heal trauma.
Effectively condensing over 350 hours of specific body based trauma training over the years and teaching you the best and most important and usable elements in 4 days (34 hours). 

This is a powerful tool to have at your disposal. The ability to help someone fully heal a past traumatic event that is limiting them in the present.

By effectively working with the body and trauma, you can help people to cure phobias, be able to drive a car again without stress, step out of their house again, release all signs of PTSD and flash backs. Be able to touch sensitive areas of their body again. Stop nightmares, help people feel more REAL and more functional in society. Clear panic attacks forever, to name just a few